Fracture mechanics course

Fracture mechanics course

Providing a practical understanding of fatigue and fracture calculations, this course is intended for engineers who are required to perform such calculations, or who specify or evaluate testing and draft fatigue or fracture portions of design requirements.



Course details

What you will learn

Providing a practical understanding of fatigue and fracture calculations, this course is intended for engineers who are required to perform such calculations, or who specify or evaluate testing and draft fatigue or fracture portions of design requirements.

  • Explain the underlying assumptions and limitations of fracture mechanics
  • Describe the process for material selection for fatigue and fracture resistance
  • The difference between various Fatigue Life techniques
  • The technologies behind Fracture Mechanics
  • How and when to use the different types of techniques
  • The difference between a Fatigue and a Fracture Mechanics approach, and when to use each of them.
  • The importance of accurate stresses for Fatigue Life prediction.


  • Fracture mechanics versus strength-of-materials approach to design against fracture
  • Fracture mechanics versus S-N curve approach to design against fatigue failure
  • Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM)
  • The Griffith model for cracks
  • The energy release rate parameter
  • The stress intensity factor (K)
  • Crack tip similitude
  • Crack tip plasticity
  • Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics
  • Introduction to fatigue crack growth
  • Advanced topics in fatigue
  • Environmental cracking
  • LEFM Applications
  • Elastic-plastic applications
  • Finite element analysis of components with cracks
  • Fracture mechanisms in metals & alloys
  • General discussion and course wrap-up

Who Should Attend
Engineers who work with mechanical design, mechanics and structures as well as those involved in testing and equipment fabrication.